Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Introduction - The Sims 4 100 Baby Challenge

Next: Day 1 

The other night, when I decided I should be sleeping, I was laying in bed, in the dark, and found myself jonesing to plays Sims 4.

No, I said to myself,  the puter is downstairs, you get up now to go play and you'll never sleep!!

So, I did what any sane, logical person would do.

I picked up my phone and searched "Sims 4" on Youtube.

One of the videos caught my eye and I found myself clicking a Part 1 of a Let's Play that was starting the 100 Baby Challenge.

I won't tell you who I picked, because she has thousands of subscribers and still plays like a noob and it was maddening to watch, but it did make me curious to find out about this challenge!

The original Sims 4 post is located here. Apparently there used to be a Sims 3 challenge as well, but... well, Sims 3 was just too huge already to have to accommodate 100 people in a game, so I don't think that turned out too great. Sims 4 on the other hand...

Why not?

This challenge is meant for yourself to do - I don't think there's a points system for it, and if there was, I wouldn't be doing that part. I'm just doing this for me. I'll rewrite the rules here so you can see them, and I'll follow up with something if I've decided to change something for myself.

~ Create a female Sim (your matriarch) in CAS, traits, aspirations, and appearance is all up to you. Bear in mind that she can only make money from hobbies, so adding a trait to aid in that is a good idea. 
~ Move your matriarch to any starter lot that she can afford with her $20k she starts with. 
~ Settings should be aging on and normal lifespan. 
~ Your matriarch and any heiresses that come after her can never have a real job. No careers. Money can only be obtained via hobbies, like painting, writing, playing for tips, etc. but she cannot join a career. 
~ Your matriarch cannot get married. Boyfriends are allowed, but she cannot move anyone in to her house. 
~ Aspiration rewards, such as Fertility are allowed and encouraged, rewards that extend life is not allowed.
~ No saving a Sim from death or bringing back from dead. 
~ Mods that alter gameplay are not allowed
~ You can adopt, but they do not count towards your 100 babies. 
~Your matriarch may not get pregnant by the same male twice.
~ Any male can be a father, but they cannot move in or help in your household. 
~ You cannot cherry pick your children's traits/aspirations. Use a random generator... Okay, I'm not doing that, I don't want to go through the trouble of finding out all of the fathers traits just to randomize the traits for the children. So, I'm just picking randomly myself. If my matriarch happens to find out a trait of a father, then that trait is chosen for the child, otherwise, I just randomly choose.
~ Babies cannot be aged up until their official birthday - not "almost" their birthday. 
~ Children and teens can only age up once they've gotten an A in school. 
~ Teens can hold part time jobs to aid financially. 
~  Young adults can be moved out to make room for more children, but cannot move back in. 
~ You cannot make more room by killing off underage Sims. For this reason, a child born in to the household does not count towards 100 babies until they reach young adult. The only exception is when the 100th baby is born. When the 100th baby is born, all underage children are counted and the challenge is won. 
~ When your matriarch becomes an elder and can no longer bear children, her youngest daughter takes over as the next matriarch. If the new matriarch is not yet a young adult, your elder matriarch must stay in the house until the new one comes of age. When your new matriarch is a young adult, you may move your matriarch out of the home to make room for more children.

So thems are the rules, I'm ready to play!!

And I'll be blogging about my adventure here! Woot! See you soon! ♥

Next: Day 1 

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